Thursday, November 28, 2013


First re-play review! Much shorter and less structured, this is where films I've seen are seen again. Here it's either an improvement, a fall or just the same. Let's go!

The much anticipated remake of Sam Raimi’s cult horror hit is...  short of good. And on second viewings, it's still the same.

For someone who’s new to the scene, Uruguayan director FEDE ALVAREZ handles the movie like a pro. The horror sequences are tense and impactful, hard to watch and of course very gory. However, it seems to be a bit too serious instead of fast-and-loose like Raimi and therefore has no distinct “signature”.

I can blame the script for enforcing this tone, but it has a great element - letting these kids coming to this isolated cabin because one of them needs to deal with drug addiction and they won’t leave it since everything could be hallucinations. EVIL DEAD, despite its predecessor’s image and that B-movie title, manages to have a bit of depth (and plausibility!) thanks to this subplot.

The cast

The phenomenal JANE LEVY (Mia)
Acting is *extremely and unexpectedly* good. This is JANE LEVY’s show for sure. She has such presence on-screen that all her emotions - panic, bored, scared-to-death and even possessed (literally) - are tangible. Other don’t seem to get much ground to play, their pretty faces come and go... some rather violently. The main man SHILOH FERNANDEZ is, unfortunately, not as memorable as the supporting guy LOU TAYLOR PUCCI, who is more relatable and show a range of emotions/expressions.

The art department deserves an applause for all their efforts. Most of the crazy horror happenings on screen are practical and some manage to effectively conjure fear. Well, more disgust than fear. Okay, a few shots are enhanced by CGI but thankfully they are not severe like the remake of THE THING. AARON MORTON’s photography is moody and effective, with washed out colors that ensure the only thing that will be emphasized are blood, pus and dirt. Combine with the sounds, this is like, ahem, a perfect marriage that finds glory through guts.

To brand it as “the most terrifying film you will see” is perhaps a little bit much because besides some changes EVIL DEAD doesn’t offer anything that force the original to head for the hills. Still, just have fun, be grossed out and take note of a rather amazing performance from JANE LEVY. 

7 out of 10.

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